Precise actuator solutions in textile machines
A combined focus on cost-efficiency and environmental sustainability comprises the main challenge in the textile industry in recent years. OEMs want to minimize downtime and waste and at the same time, deliver sustainable solutions. With electric actuators responsible for motion in modern textile machines, you will be able to add several benefits to your application:
- Cost-efficient and environmentally-friendly motion
- Intelligent solutions, easy to install
- Tested and proven actuator technology
Due to regulations imposed to reduce power consumption in textile production, organizations are looking for ways to optimize production without the loss of efficiency. This paves the way for new technology solutions like electric actuators. LINAK solutions add to the efforts with intelligent motion of cradles and precision stacking of fabric.
Electric actuators do not require pumps or compressors. This means that standby power consumption is significantly reduced – for some electric actuators it is nearly zero. The degree of energy efficiency is generally higher, the absence of hoses too makes maintenance almost unnecessary, and the amount of downtime is reduced significantly.
Get actuator feedback to refine machinery
LINAK solutions integrate easily with BUS communication control systems. This means the inherent ability to monitor and precisely adjust the height and position of cradles, cutters, etc., via remote control or system software. The compact solution design also makes it easy to install.
Use well-tested solutions with a long lifetime
At LINAK all actuators are tested thoroughly before they are released. This includes shocks, bumps, continuous vibrations, fluctuating temperatures as well as water and detergents when washed down. Years of experience have given LINAK solutions a guaranteed long lifetime, regardless of exterior conditions.