Imagine that every time your customers want to adjust their comfort bed with the Bed Control App, they see your logo, your corporate colors, and when they want to know more about your product, they are directed to your website.
In other words, it will be crystal clear who made this bed and who is responsible for the comfort they are experiencing. This is what LINAK offers you – in just a few simple steps. But there is more!
Customize app to promote your brand
For manufacturers and brands, a Bed Control App in corporate colors and showing company logos helps promote the brand and makes your comfort bed even more unique. The customization options include:
- Include your logo: Change the logo in the app design.
- Color: Change the background color.
- Links to your website: The menu ‘About’ contains two sections, storing Product Information and Support. You pick what to link to on your webpage
The latest update of the Bed Control App includes several new features, adding additional value to the many functions already comprised in any hand control with Bluetooth® wireless technology by LINAK.
For example, the in-app support as well as the troubleshooting guide – both make it easy for the user to set up the bed and to connect your brand with something intuitive and full of quality. Why is this great?
- Users solve the most common issues instantly – guided step-by-step
- Brands minimize the number of support calls
This literally is: Help at your fingertips!
Offer a user-friendly design
To sum it all up: With the latest Bed Control App release we extended functionality and added new features - such as the silent alarm and bed selector - without compromising the intuitive and user-friendly look.
You can find more App specs in the article ‘New design increases LINAK Bed Control App usability’. This is the design you can customize.

How do I get started?
It only takes a few easy steps to get your brand to your customers. Please contact your local LINAK office to learn more.