Our values drive us
This goal to improve lives does not just stop with our products, it is built into everything that we do. Our roots in our Danish culture, our family heritage, and our values help drive us. Not to always take the easier path, but the right one; for our customers, our employees, and our planet. Though thinking sustainably has always been a part of our decision making, we have been making significant steps to ensure our biggest impact on this planet is improving lives with our products.
Turning words into action
After a thorough materiality assessment, we decided to focus on six key areas to drive our sustainability initiatives within the Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) categories, which also support and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). By incorporating these initiatives into everything we do, from product development and operations to supply chain and collaboration with our customers, we will achieve an even greater impact on the environment and the people our products help around the world every day.
LINAK supports the Sustainable Development Goals
LINAK Focus Initiatives
Committed to the Paris Agreement
LINAK is committed to the Paris Agreement and is in the process of setting Science-Based Targets and near-term goals that will help implement our strategy and turn commitments into impact. To limit the global temperature increase in this century to 1.5 degrees Celsius, the Paris Agreement is pushing companies to focus on carbon neutral operations, reducing suppliers’ emissions, and helping customers reduce their footprint.
Explore our initiatives and find out how we are making an impact.