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Supplier information

Supplier information

This page is dedicated to current and future suppliers of LINAK, suppliers can here find supplier relevant information and see which expectations LINAK has to its suppliers. 

Supplier quality policy
LINAK expects the supplier to have a sufficient quality system and control system to insure the first-class quality. 

  • LINAK is purchasing based on the zero defect principle. 
  • LINAKs supplier shall maintain a quality system that meets ISO9001, TS16949, ISO13485 or similar.
  • LINAKs Suppliers must sign and comply with the Quality Agreement

Supplier quality values
Our Supplier Quality Values explains how we implement our Supplier Quality Policy
The Supplier Quality Values assists both LINAK and our Suppliers in aligning our 
Expectations, attitudes and thereby increases quality and minimizes quality costs.

At LINAK, we strive for the following 6 supplier quality values:

  • Clear and understandable requirements.
  • Our suppliers should have the capability to consistently fulfill LINAKs requirements. 
  • Our suppliers shall continuously strive for improvement.
  • Effective communication with our Suppliers.
  • Global partnership with our suppliers.
  • LINAK clearly convey our expectation to our suppliers in our Code of Conduct. (Our suppliers must comply with LINAK’s Code of Conduct.)

LINAK SIS (Supplier Information System) is an online SharePoint between supplier and LINAK. LINAK SIS is used to share documents between supplier and LINAK. LINAK communicate through LINAK SIS when an Engineering Change Order (ECO) or an Engineering Change Notices (ECN) occurs. SIS can also be used for RFQ-documents, Supplier evaluation documents and any other shared documents between supplier and LINAK. When the Quality Agreement has been made then the supplier can download LINAK specifications from SIS.


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