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BAL40 battery pack

The BAL40 is a lead acid battery pack specially developed for easy handling and carrying. The BAL40 is part of the LIFT40 product series designed for patient lifts. The series consists of a control box CAL40 or CAL40+, a battery BAL40, with internal charger or an external charging set comprising the CHL40 cradle and an external charger

BAL40 battery pack

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BAL40 – easy and intuitive to use
With its ergonomic and functional design, the BAL40 makes changing lead-acid batteries simple and efficient. After lifting the easily accessible handle, it’s simple to lift the battery from its holder and conveniently carry it to its charging station.

Mountings choices
The BAL40 is designed to be used with the CAL40 or CAL40+ for internal charging or the CHL40 - which can be wall-mounted or placed on any flat surface - and the external charger the CH01.

Readily accessible information
Battery management is simplified with illuminated LEDs on the CAL40 or 40+ which indicate when charging is required. These units provide a clear indication for users of charging status and battery capacity. Correct and timely battery changing practice can help to prolong your battery’s life and to optimize the use of patient lifts.

BAL40 data sheet

View the data sheet as an online magazine or download the PDF.

LIFT™ user manual

This user manual will tell you how to install, use and maintain your LINAK electronics.

LIFT40™ OnePager

Next generation of adjustment systems for patient lifts.

LIFT™ brochure

A LIFT™ solution means nothing without LINAK. Next generation State of the Art solution for adjustment systems for patient lifts with LIFT40™, LIFT40+™ and LIFT50™

Pairing guide LIFT40+™

Step-by-step guide for how to pair your LIFT40+™ system with a LINAK hand control.

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