The BAL50 Li-Ion battery pack is a part of the LIFT50 product series specially developed for healthcare applications.
LIFT50 is a complete system consisting of the control box COL50, a battery BAL50 and an external charger CHL50 in a flexible solution. Combined with one or more actuators and a hand control, you have a complete system for modern patient lifts and sit-to-stand lifts.
The BAL50 is a next generation Li-Ion battery technology for high performance and improved return on investment (ROI) due to long lifetime. Packaged in a light, small and ergonomic package for fast and single-handed battery exchange.
The environmental footprint of lithium-ion batteries is low due to less waste as only one battery is to be scrapped instead of previously 4 batteries. This also means that less transportation is necessary because of the lower battery weight which is only half the weight of lead-acid batteries.
Feature highlights
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This user manual will tell you how to install, use and maintain your LINAK electronics.
State of the art adjustment systems for patient lifts, small and light Li-Ion solution.
A LIFT™ solution means nothing without LINAK. Next generation State of the Art solution for adjustment systems for patient lifts with LIFT40™, LIFT40+™ and LIFT50™
Step-by-step guide for how to pair your LIFT50™ system with a LINAK hand control.
Dive into the wide variety of innovative MEDLINE & CARELINE products that can help you improve your hospital and healthcare equipment.
How to maintain LINAK rechargeable sealed lithium-ion batteries to obtain the longest possible life.
Important information regarding LINAK® products with Li-ion batteries
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