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Control boxes

CBJ Home

LINAK control box with built-in battery. Used in JUMBO systems with one or two actuators. Ensures comfort and comes with a soft start/stop function, emergency lowering, and recordable max SWL.

CBJ Home

The CBJ Home is a specially developed solution for patient lifts. The complete system consists of a control box and a battery enclosed in a single elegant module.

The system is approved according to medical safety standards and contains a series of features ensuring a safe, comfortable lift, e.g., the CBJ Home is equipped with a soft-start function, electrical emergency lowering, an emergency stop, etc.

CBJ-Home data sheet

View the data sheet as an online magazine or download the PDF.

CBJ-Home battery replacement user manual

This user manual will tell you how to replace the batteries in your LINAK CBJ-Home (CBJH).

JUMBO™ user manual

This user manual will tell you how to install, use and maintain your LINAK electronics.

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