Faaborg 2019
”I'll admit that at the start I was a little apprehensive about whether the actuators would tolerate the tough environment here at the plant. Some of them sit in hydrogen sulphide, which usually eats everything. But they have tolerated it!” says Dennis Pedersen, head of department at Faaborg Renseanlæg.
So the first box in the follow-up has been ticked - that the actuators are still working. As Dennis says:
”We naturally had a few teething problems, but that's normal. Once we got everything under control, it just worked impeccably. Today I'm really pleased that I dared to take the leap back in 2013 - I haven't regretted it.”
Cost savings
When Dennis invested in LINAK products in 2013, he had high expectations of the cost savings.
”One of my big expectations was that we could save some money by choosing an electric solution from LINAK. And I can definitely say that we have. Firstly, the actuators were much cheaper to buy than the traditional solutions. But we have also saved several hundred thousand kroner on the service budget. There is no service agreement when you buy LINAK products - it's simply not necessary. The actuators just run and look after themselves,” says Dennis and continues:
”We have saved money on electricians and man hours - we haven't had any problems, they've just worked. In fact, we never have to think about the actuators day to day. Instead we can focus our energy on other and more exciting projects."

Easy to replace
Initially, 23 tilting weirs were equipped with actuators from LINAK back in 2013. The valves have a very important function - they must keep the waste water back so that it does not run into the sea too soon. With such an important role, Dennis had a clear requirement that any stoppage would have to be fixed very quickly:
”It is essential for us that in case of stoppage, we need to be able to start up again quickly, and this is where the LINAK actuators have been a big advantage. If an actuator is faulty, we can replace it almost instantly. We always keep a couple of extra actuators in stock, and our own in-house electrician can easily replace them - they only weigh around 7 kg. However, the actuators we keep in stock are just gathering dust - we haven't needed to use them, once the system was run in properly," says Dennis Pedersen.
Faaborg's new treatment plant
A brand new state-of-the-art treatment plant is currently being built next to the existing plant. Once this has been completed, the existing plant will be shut down. Here Pedersen also plans to install LINAK solutions in all relevant areas.
”I'm convinced that the electric solutions are the future - especially with the battery solution that LINAK is offering. Those areas where I can avoid using air, I will. Because the solutions that use air tend to leak, and cost money to repair," says Pedersen.
But it is not only in the new plant he wants to introduce the LINAK actuators.
”We've actually already installed LINAK in a couple of other plants I am responsible for. We've had really positive experiences, so those areas where the current solution is no longer working are the areas I will be considering whether we can fit actuators from LINAK instead," he says and concludes:
"I have been asked several times whether I can recommend a solution with LINAK actuators. My answer is always 'yes!'. It's good to challenge the traditional and try something new. I'm really pleased that I had the courage to try the new solution from LINAK in 2013."